Your Definitive New Puppy Shopping List

This is your first dog as an adult. What the heck do you need? The ethos of The Naked Dog is that you don’t need much. Dog stores will try to sell you the world. When I was a new dog owner I went wild buying things. It’s fun! Who doesn’t like shopping. Enjoy the bounty of offerings. OR save your money for hiring a good trainer and get only the essentials. After I got a call from a soon to be puppy owner, I wrote up a list.

Your Definitive Puppy Shopping List


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That’s it! Start minimal.

Training is a far better investment and one that will last the lifetime of your pup.

That tiny nose though. I die. BRB getting another Dachshund puppy….

That tiny nose though. I die. BRB getting another Dachshund puppy….